cluster5 is a high-performance compute cluster set up at Fr. C. Rodrigues Institute of Technology, Vashi. It merits a distinction of being the first HPC cluster setup in the University of Mumbai, India. cluster5 was set up as a part of the ongoing research activity in the field of parallel computing at the institute.The primary purpose of the cluster is to learn parallel computation and it's applications.
cluster5 is a HPC beowulf cluster consisting of 5 nodes, housed at the R&D Lab at FrCRIT. It was set up to learn parallel computation and it's applications. It was scaled up to 10 nodes for specific applications.
Some computationally-intensive operations like matrix multiplication, brute-force attack for breaking of DES amd parallel searching and sorting algorithms have been implemented on cluster5.
Wall-O-Tile is a tile display wall system comprising of 4 flat-panel LCD monitors mounted on a specially-designed wooden rack. It is connected to a 5-node cluster and a variety of applications for presentation and visualization of high-resolution media have been developed for it.
It improves the effective resolution of the display system at a significantly cheaper cost as compared to specialized high-resolution display systems.
Upcoming Research in R&D Lab
- Setting up a wireless cluster, measuring its speed and comparing the same with a wired cluster.
- Diskless booting of clients using Perceus.
- Parallel Processing -
- Breaking DES
- Parallel and Distributed AI applications.
- Parallel Desktop System.
- Image Processing operations for the Image Viewer.
- Enhancing the parallel video player.